Hi Again...
Umm, let's start with something dramatic... (kinda)
Prepare to read this amazing post!
You're just in time for the greatest idea ever...
Family-Trees (and something like that)
Something about Family-Trees (and something like that)
Family Trees are something that I can never understand. At ALL. I mean, who knew that your cousin could be actually related to your friend so you're actually cousins?!
Now that's cool (and a bit strange)
Well, I have a friend (Aileen) that has a cousin named (nicknamed) Fish and is actually a friend of my friend (Dev) in FNL. And there was something about Fish and Sef (Dev's friend/wife) being far cousins--I think.
And my cousin who actually goes to FNL and knows this guy name Jesse Christopher and I bet he knows Wynonna and Kelly (He knows Leah). And his girlfriend actually knows Stephanie (Nadya's friend, I don't know which).
.... + ..... = ??
I love writing these kind of "something + something=something" equations! They're actually pretty amusing and fun to discover XD
Even my Windows Live Messenger name is 1 + 1= :)TM
These equations could be used to make a compound word.
And for some people who doesn't know what a compound word is, it's like this:
Family + Tree= Family Tree
Well, *cough*...
But the equations I'm making just shows confusion and mixed-up thoughts XD
The only time I make up these equations is when I'm bored.
Like right now.
Mystery + Discovery= ?
Happy + Sad= ?
Love + Hate= ?
Evil + Kind= ?
Human + Nature= ?
End + Start= ?
And guess what? These equations are even fun(ner) than MATH!!
And speaking about end, I'm gonna end this post soon XD.
I really, really, really want an iPod Touch!!!
OMG! I don't even have an iPod!!! How am I going to listen to music anywhere?
Well, with my cellphone, but the battery doesn't last long TT
So I really want an iPod Touch! I mean--it can even connect to wi-fi!!
(Which means I can go online in the MALL!)
(Sorry about this Dev, I'm just gonna use it for this post)
Idea of Devina Tjandra (http://devsbloggy.blogspot.com/)
-I conclude that family trees are really confusing, so don't try drawing them, because they don't end up in a STRAIGHT LINE!
-I conclude that Picasa ROCKS!! GO GOOGLE!!
-I conclude that I really, really, really need an iPod Touch
-I conclude that:
Conclusion + Commencement (dictionary help)= Conmencement
Conmencement= End + Beginning
WHAT? Ok, now I'm confused.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Confusion + Boredom= ?
Posted by Cindy at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Boredom, confusion, equations, family trees, iPod Touch
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Another Boring Post
Hey Everyone... (again)
Wew~ It's been a long time I did not post anything! Well, I have a lot to talk about, I guess...
Okay... A Lot to Cover XD
Well, yeah, I think it's really not legal. I mean, I think that my old XP Taskbar is better XD
The Vista one is really long and causes my computer to freeze. So... changing back is the only option :D
Whatever, I'm fine with it anyway :D
So instead, I downloaded a really cute "start-up screen" like Windows 7 Ultimate's. And it's green! Not just green... LIME green (TT, what's the point?)
Oh My GOSH! I got BRACES!!
. . .
That's not very exciting actually. I have to spend my whole 3-4 years of life wearing them. I have to spend my whole 3-4 years of life looking like a freak. Not just any 3-4 years of life... TEENAGE LIFE!
Sigh... it's just really expensive, so I have to hold on...
Braces Record:
Day 1: Okay, still not adapting to the pain... Hard to eat.
Day 2: Hurts like crazy. Decided to eat porridge instead of rice. People starts to recognize you with braces.
Day 3: Getting better... Adapting already... More people recognizes you with braces.
Day 4: Doesn't feel anything different :D
Well, yeah, I still have stuff stuck on my teeth after I ate. And I STILL has to brush my teeth everytime I eat. =(
Note: Process starts again after a week T____T
For my friends who are curious with how I look with my braces... I'm posting a picture here... YAY! But my teeth only XP
There it is>>
So lucky Audine and Karina who saw me with braces.
After a few days, I got a new haircut. Yeah, I look like a freaky kid XP
Here are a few pictures of me and my new hair (and braces but I'm not smiling in these pictures)
Here is a pic:
Go Bio- Earth Trash Cans!!
I'm soo shocked that this is actually real! The first time I opened hotmail yesterday, I found a link that said: "R.I.P: Michael Jackson". I was like, OH MY GOSH!!! He died?
That's sad =(
He is legend. Even though some people hate him, he is still our legend. I think he's kind and funny... So, it's pretty sad =(
And he died when he's 50 years old! Oh my, that's still young...
And when famous people die, they were everywhere on TV.
E! News and Daily News has news on Michael Jackson, E! is playing THS: Michael Jackson now, and Channel [V] and MTV is playing Michael Jackson music.
I really think iPhoto is a very cool application. So... I search for it--but the one for Windows. So yeah, I found Picasa 3.
And guess what? I can post more pictures to Blogger with it!!
And you can make Collages with it!! It's really interesting!
Download Picasa 3... NOW!
Hahaha, yeah, I did. I actually copied it from the CD!!
So, I'll post one or two right here:
That's my family from my dad XD (just my cousins and their girlfriends/wives)
The little boy with the "5" T-Shirt over the pic, that's my nephew!
Yup, I'm still bored.
My room is still not fixed =(
Sigh... Okay, rather than being bored, let me just sleep...
I really wish I can hangout with someone and watch Transformers II
Posted by Cindy at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: bored, braces, family pix, haircut, michael jackson
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Edward Cullen!!!
That's right Twilight and Edward lovers... today is Edward's Birthday!!
Happy Birthday~ XD
Actually, I didn't know today was his birthday until I looked at my calendar widget. I knew that widget is very useful and handy ;)
Hmm... I wonder how old he is... Well, according to what I read, he was born on June 20, 1901. So he's... 2009 - 1901= ... (hehehe, << cupu in Math)
108! He's 108 and he still looks hot as ever *faint*
Speaking about birthdays...
Happy Birthday to Bellinda!! Hahaha, it was yesterday~
She invited us to Pizza Hut, which was a really great idea because I would've been bored at home. But I wasn't, because she invited me~
Thank you :D
But the point is... I'm so proud my brother is turning 13 =') *sobs*
Well, also my start menu and icons and start-up screen, soo....
Anyway, I changed it to the one like Vista's~
Well, XP's are pretty lame, so I looked at people's galleries in devianart.com and it was amazing~
Now I get to have some Vista (and Windows 7) designs but I still run XP!!
KYAAAA!! lol
Yea, I'm still bored. My room isn't fixed yet. And it's getting worse: there are newspapers around and things were everywhere. So... I have to spend more time in my parents room. Where I can't have my privacy. But, well, I have more access to the TV.
But still...
I feel like buying a lot of novels and read. But only if I have the money to...
Lucky Mariska and Marsha they have something to do and somewhere to go...
Posted by Cindy at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: bellinda, birthday, edward cullen
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Help. Bored.
Okay, I have no idea why I'm typing this blog post. I'm just so bored. It really hurts when you're bored. And when your whole house has to be exterminated from termites, you get even more bored.
Help. Me. I'm. Bored. It's. So. Frustrated. AAAH.
It's so freezing here!! Obviously, I'm here on the floor infront of the AC. Duh, it's freezing. I'm just so lazy to get up. There's no other table (unless if you count the bed as a table). Yes, I'm at my parents' room... again. Termite extermination, part II. So yeah, whatever, I'm too bored to move away from the "freeze".
Another reason why I couldn't move out: it's stinky outside. The poison for the termites thinggie just stinks the whole house!! It feels so... burning and hot and.... stinky (duh). I really don't like the smell... makes me more high-tempered.
Just now, I got a call from my friend, Karina. And when I hung up the phone and went inside the room. E! True Hollywood Story starts talking about a dancer name Karina. I was like.... okayy. So that's where Karina got her sexy-dancy talent...
Names (Okay, I have no idea why we got through this)
Names really matter. I mean, they totally reflect people's personality. Here are some name suggestions (that's what I think).
David: umm... that person will be irresponsible
Nicole: that person will be chatty
Karina: that person will be gifted in dancing
Kevin and Michael: very common names...
Edward: <3 <3 <3
Okay... that was off topic (and not to mention a bit bias)
Wow, there's this bad-worded song that is played in my iTunes shuffle... (yes, it's London Bridge by Fergie)
I'm still bored. Maybe there are more foods in the counter... Hmmm...
Okay, bye"
Posted by Cindy at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: bored, frustrated, names, termites
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
On the Holiday xD
Hi again.
Yes, it's a typical day. Wake up late. Do stuff you do in the "morning". Turn on modem. Go online...
Holidays can really be boring, seriously. I wish I had... No. I don't want to have school. Being bored on the holidays are waaay better than going to that freaky school. *goosebumps*
Well, holiday can be the start of something new :D
Like... room cleaning!! But I can't do that because there's still no one to fix my broken shelf. So, yeah, I have to delay that.
Holiday = Random Mode ON
Correction: Aileen can swim! *Tee-hee*
So, yeah, I surely have to take swimming lessons TT
Well, yesterday went really well. But I am SOOO TIRED! I never felt this tired before! Yeah, that's the reason I wake up late :D
Okay, I really have to go RANDOM~
Monday, June 15, 2009
Me and Swimming
Hiii xD
Yes, I can't swim. I'm the only one in class that couldn't swim. Well, and Aileen, too. I think. So, yeah, my mom forces me to have swimming lesson TT
I start today. It was... weird. I mean the outfits and stuff. First, my mom had to buy me a swimming outfit that really looks weird (and not to mention short). It's so... disgusting and opened TT (but it is not a BIKINI!)
Swimming Outfits
What is wrong with swimming outfits? I mean, why are they mostly opened and so... sexy? I mean, what's the point of wearing those sexy outfits when you're going underwater where no one can see how sexy you are.
And, yes, I have a really big problem with that. And when I went under the water, the skirt actually floats UP! So yeah, I have a massive problem putting it down. Gah, curses you power of water!!
Today is also a very first hangout over the holiday~
The only people coming are Anne, Devina, Cynthia, Monica, Michael, Audine, and me.
Bellinda is nowhere to be found. She said she's coming at one. But she's not there. Lol.
Anyway, we met, and we don't know where to go (ga ada acara). So we walked to UP and DOWN. Yeah, we talk and stuff. We rode the Bumper Car in Amazon. We buy stuff (some of us). Well, I tried on clothes. It's cute, but so tight. *Gah*
I only manage to get one photo =(
Yeah, and before I can get one, Audine already went home TT
So sorry Ding =(
And Anne and Devina and Michael is seperated, buying games and DVD's.
So yeah. Sorry guys =(
Aww, look at Cynthia, so chubby^^
*shock* Sorry, Cyn, please don't chubby me back Dx
Okay, I'm nggangor now, at home. My parents are going to doctor with my grandma. There's basically nothing to do here...
Okay, bye~
Posted by Cindy at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A Visit To My Very First Niece~
Hi again, bloggers!!
A Visit To My Niece~
Today, yaa.. I'm bored and ngangor at home. But my friend Audine thrashed me a hangout at 1. But I can't come. I have to go to lunch with my family. Yeah, there's this celebration thinggie for my niece~ My very first niece~
She's really cute!!! Too bad I have this cough, so I can't get near her... (Curses you cough!) I just want to SQUEEZE her!! So instead, I took photos of her... let me upload them from my phone first...
Isn't she adorable? She just reminds me of... Devina's cheeks~
Lol, no, sorry Dev xD
Her hair is so spiky, like... my boyfriend's~ (Bellinda, lol)
Speaking of Spiky Hair...
Bellinda's hair is like... so spiky and puffy that it actually has a length of 4-5 cm itself? I'm actually the same height as her... Is just that her hair is too puffy it made her 4-5 cm higher than me >.<
Ye, she's from my father's side. I mean, my cousins from my father's side are like... above 15 years old! (mostly). And most of them is married already, so...
Yes, that makes me an aunt. :D
The "Lunch"
Ye, the lunch wasn't really that exciting. It was actually a bit of a waste of time. I mean, I really wish I could just hangout or something... I really feel like chilling in the mall right now.
I'm Back to My ROOM!!
Yes! Now I have enough courage to step to my room (which is where I am, right now). It's not that freaky anymore... Well, except it is crowded with books and papers and some decorations. And there it is... the shelf... the empty, chewed shelf. And the bed is moved a bit front... so there's a quite big distance between the bed and the wall TT
But it feels nice to be back xDD
Ok, bye~
Posted by Cindy at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: niece, photos, room, spiky hair
Friday, June 12, 2009
Farewell Party Interview
Hi again, bloggers! (people, technically)
Okay, this post is really random (I guess) and it has to do with people and what they think of the Farewell Party. And I'm posting this because I'm a bit bored :P
Interview with AILEEN, the genius
Cindy: What do you think of the Farewell Party?
Aileen:LOL. I think it's pretty weird and our band was THAT bad
Interview with DEVINA, my role model
Cindy: Hey
Devina: Hey u u
Cindy: What do you think of the Farewell Party yesterday?
Devina: Id lyk ur girlfriend
Umm I think it was OK i guess
lame << lyk the skul
Cindy: LOL. OK. Thx
Interview with MONICA, the monkey~
Cindy: Hey, Mon
What do you think of the Farewell Party yesterday?
Monica: Umm lumayan lah, tp agak boring
Cindy: hahaha. OK. Thx
So I conclude that people think the same thing as I do for the Farewell Party. It was OK. So, it was not that excellent this year... Well, there's always next year~
Okay, ta-da~
Posted by Cindy at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: farewell party, interview
Swimming Lessons
Okay, I don't know why I'm writing this post, maybe it's because my boredom is nudging me... Anyway, this post is about swimming lessons (basically swimming). Today, I have to go for a few hours to WAIT FOR MICHAEL DOING HIS SWIMMING LESSON IN PAKUWON CLUBHOUSE!! Well, I get bored easily, so I take pictures~
Ye, uh, my mom is going to put me to swimming lessons starting next Monday TT It's pretty annoying--all the forcing and stuff... But it's good, too, because when friends push me to the pool, I can actually FLOAT! (You're never gonna get away with this Mariska and Karina!!)
But it's annoying because I have to get wet and my hair will get wet and... eww.
I personally like to stay dry ^^
Swimming's.... cool. I mean, it's OK. It's pretty relaxing sometimes. But there's this thing I hate the most about swimming. Yes, getting WET. I look silly in wet. And I look silly in those swimming outfits too TT. And one more thing... people sometimes spit and throw flims and snot and pee and sometimes even POO in swimming pools. And accidentally, I could swallow the water and guess what? I'm drinking all the poo and pee and stuff.
Like once I accidentally swallowed swimming pool water it really tastes weird. And then I think about it and I realized I was drinking all the pee and poo and snot people release to the water. Ye, I feel like barfing now.
OH MY GOSH! IT'S ALMOST TEN!! This is like my bedtime already... I mean, for now, I have this cough, so I have to rest often...
So... bai"
Posted by Cindy at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: pakuwon club house, swimming
Farewell Party~
Hi everyone... Guess what??
Today is the last day of school~
YAAAAYYYY!!! I'm soo relieved that school is finally over (no more homework and other things to worry on failing about)
And this means more blog posting from me, too ;) (I don't think you all are very excited about it...)
Anyway, every last day of school means farewell party (in my school, at least). Well, this year's farewell party is OK, I guess. Not really BRILLIANT or EXCELLENT or anything... Let me tell you why...
1: I had a bad cough, but I still manage to come without performing :D
2: The decorations... are pretty horrible (no offense guys). I mean, too simple.
3: The letters, ye, they fall. And they made silly names like "APLE LEAF" or "MAPLE LEF" or "MAPLE LEA"
4: My class doesn't have their luck on the bad performance... The singer is a bit pitchy, the backup singers doesn't really sing, and the drum was out of beat. But they did what they could... Good job guys~ << (The "M" got fixed^_^)
5: There is a BLACKOUT!
Ye, that's all. The rest is pretty good, at least. I passed, well without a best student award, though. ^^
Yeah, he's very lucky. I don't know where he gets his luckiness from, but he is really lucky today. First, he found a ticket under his chair and he got a DOOR PRIZE and he also got BEST STUDENT AWARD FOR MATH AND SCIENCE!! It's pretty embarrassing if you're actually longer at school and suddenly somebody who is quite new actually wins against you...
That time, in farewell party, we get to know who won the "Who's the Strictest and Friendliest Teacher?". For the "Strictest Teacher", we got Mrs. Tjandra. Ye, all of the Grade 7 & 8's shout and screamed. And when Mr. Haries (our other principal) asked who votes for the strictest teacher, (stupid) me and some other friends raised our hands. And even stupider me, when Mr. Haries asked us to volunteer to go up the stage and give her the gift, I RAISED MY HANDS AND WENT UP THE STAGE!!!
Lol, but when I went down, some people (not telling who), says "Good Job!", "Cin, YOU RAWK!", "WOW, you're brave!", "Wow, you got guts!"...
Ye, but I still feel guilty.
I mean when I smiled at her, she doesn't even smile back.... she kinda frowns at me. OH MY GOD, I'M SOOO DEAD!!!
This is one of the songs the Grade 8's perform (by Miley Cyrus). They sing it really well^^ But anyway, this all seems so excity and so happy, but on the other side, not really. A LOT of teachers are gone, moving, and some students too. Like the Grade 8 girls who are very funny and Mariska my LOOOONG friend.
So I just want to say something to them (if they're reading this):
I can't believe that today is the end of our friendship. I'm going to miss you all! I'll miss all the fun we have and the crazy times we spend together. You guys ROCK, and are so kind to me... Thank you for all the kindness and supports. God Bless You forever, and I hope we can keep in touch...
Okay, the good thing is... IT'S HOLIDAY!!!
Happy Summer to all Bloggers! (And congratulations to all of you BEST STUDENT AWARDS winner!)
XOXO (too):
(in a super, fat, action-sized pack: KARINA! OUR MISS PIGGIE)
(my "boy" friend, Bellinda: no, she's actually a girl--no I'm not LESBIAN!)
(a very kind teacher of mine: MRS. TARI~)
(Mariska: My crazy, nutty friend XP)
(Leen: A GENIUS FRIEND--the one who's drinking fruit-tea
(Audine! Visit her blog here)
(Anne and Nadya: Quiet but very kind^^)
(Kelly, the one who's always making me laugh during rehearsals!)
(Marsha, the kind and funny one)
(Ms. Michelle: A kind geography teacher... for me
(Mr. AGOES! hehehe, JK")
Okay, I'm just showing off my pix :P:P
Just kidding~
Have a good summer y'all!!
Posted by Cindy at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: farewell party, summer
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Another post before school break!
Hi again!
Wew~ It's been a long time! There's lots to write about @.@
Okay.... first of all, I'm sick. I caught a cough and flu and a bit of fever. But I'm alright now.
What am I going to write...
Okay, I have no idea I'm coming or not. I don't want to come because of performing and I'm kind of sick. But I do want to come because I want to see Marsha, Mariska, and Wynnona, and Kelly, too (she's moving, right?) for the very last time (in school). Well, except Wynnona, because she's moving to Singapore. And Kelly because I don't know where she's going. Well, I asked Mr. Agus earlier that minute and he said that I can come without performing!! Only me, though :P (Sorry guys)
Well, I think that's unfair, so maybe I'm going to sing backup with the others. Since Karina is going to be the main singer :P:P
Well, I'm so happy I can't think of anything else...
God DAMN termites.
I HATE, HATE, HATE! them. They are useless, disgusting, and eat WOOD!
Why do I hate them so much??
Well, earlier this day (why do I like to use this term so much?), I was thinking of reading my book in my shelf, and when I tried to take it, I couldn't take it! It sticks in some kind of gooey stuff. When I pull it, white creatures start coming out. So I quickly called my mom (May God bless Alexander Graham Bell for creating phones), and she hurried and cleaned it up. It turns out my maid haven't clean it for a long time. And it ATE my favourite books.
Eww... goosebumps. I made a list of which books are destroyed and which isn't. Take a look.
- Marley & Me (I like this BOOK!! :'( ARGH!)
- "Kesempurnaan" (the only book that can guide me to peace...)
- Total Girl Magazine (two OF THEM! They cost Rp. 80 each!)
- W. I. T. C. H (a child's novel I don't even read at all)
BOOKS ALMOST LOST (half eaten?):
- Barbie Magazine
- Zig Zag (BOTH! I love these comic books, WHY?!)
- Nakayoshi 64
- Miiko (2 of them, fiuh)
- Pokemon
- Yu Gi Oh ( I don't like this, why isn't this EATEN instead?!)
- Nakayoshi (61 & 65 & the Lovely one)
- my other boring novels
- Happy, Happy, Clover
- Doraemon (but there are red stuff on it >:P)
My "Marley & Me" is the worst, pages were teared and half of them is eaten.
And my bookmark I got from Ontario Test Grade 3 is eaten, too!
Tips for people with shelves near their walls:
- If you want to put books near them, then give space.
- On second thought, termites could JUMP, so DON'T put books on shelves that are sticked to damp walls.
- Always have an extra stock of BUG SPRAYER
- Don't cry (I didn't)
- Don't get books that smell really fresh (and rather disgusting) near the shelf (that's what happen to my "Marley & Me)
The lucky thing is... that my loved things are saved:
- My Twilight saga + Director's Notebook (*fiuh*)
- My cellphone
- My laptop
- My Sarah & Pooh (hahaha, I still love dolls)
I don't even want to go back to my room now :P
Yeah, I'm in my parents room
Yes. That is true. After all these incidents... I am a DAMN money waster.
#1: My teeth condition: BAD. Braces: NEEDED + extra equipment needed. Total money for braces and the equipment: 20 MILLIONISH! (That's almost as my school money!)
#2: The termites that eat my books. (THEY REALLY SHOULD GO TO HELL!!) The ones that are destroyed are mostly from Singapore and Malaysia. GOD!!
#3: I need extra "CROWNS" for my teeth. Well, holey teeth. Two of them is really, really deep I need two of those "CROWNS". And those "CROWNS" cost like.. i dunno... MILLIONS!!
ARGG! I hate myself!!!!
Okay, what else??
iPhone 3G S
I can't WAIT!! It's only $199 (16 GB)!! Well, that looks expensive, but it's like Rp. 1.900.000 here. That's expensive too--c'mon! In Indonesia normal iPhones are like 11 million!! KYAAAA!! And it's really FAST!! YAY!! I think my parents are getting me one...
But it's too expensive. I've wasted so many money (that's another reason I refuse to go to the doctor)
Ok, my parents are calling my cousin's (that is in USA) parents. Oh, no, I can't. You still need to pay extra...
Whatever, I'm happy now... Just too happy to be crying!
Smiles everyone~
HAVE A GOOD DAY (except you termites that ate my shelf and books)
Oh yeah, another friend of mine made a blog!! YAY!!
Her name is Aileen, she's a book freak, but she's very GENIUS!!
Don't worry, she's really fun to talk too! She posts really good posts!
Here's a link to her blog: Aileen's First Blog
Okay, have fun~
Ok, now I'm gone for good.
Posted by Cindy at 2:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Aileen, farewell party, iPhone, termites